Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus – Theological Objections

Theological Objections


The author answers Jewish theological challenges to the divinity of Jesus in a series of writings on the trinity, salvation, the Messiah, and other related topics. Original. Respectful, thoroughly documented answers to twenty-eight of the weightiest theological objections progressively reveal how belief in Jesus is deeply rooted in Jewish concepts and teaching. Preface xi Part 3 Theological Objections Jews don't believe in the Trinity. We believe in one God, not three 3(11) If you claim that Jesus is God then you are guilty of making God into a man. You are an idol worshiper! 14(24) God doesn't have a son 38(10) According to the Law (Deuteronomy 13), Jesus was a false prophet because he taught us to follow other gods (namely, the Trinity, including the god jesus), gods our fathers have never known or worshiped. This makes all his miracles utterly meaningless 48(4) The Holly Spirit is not the so-called Third Person of the Trinity 52(7) According to Isaiah 43:11, God alone is our Savior. We don't need or recognize any other saviors 59(1) We are righteous by what we do, not by what we believe. Christianity is the religion of the creed, Judaism the religion of the deed 60(9) Scripture clearly tells us that ''to do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice`` (Prov. 21:3) 69(2) The Prophets indicated clearly that God did not care for blood sacrifices. In fact, they practically repudiated the entire sacrificial system, teaching that repentance and prayer were sufficient. The Talmudic rabbis simply affirmed this biblical truth 71(32) Even if I accept your premise that blood sacrifices are of great importance in the Torah, the fact is that our Hebrew Bible---including the torah itself---offers other means of atonement, not just the shedding of blood 103(20) According to Proverbs 16:6, love and good deeds make atonement. So who needs sacrifices? 123(3) It's clear that you misunderstand the entire sacrificial system. Sacrifices were for unintentional sins only. Repentance was the only remedy for intentional sins 126(10) Even if I accept your arguments about the centrality of blood sacrifices, it only held true while the Temple was standing. The Book of Daniel teaches us that if the Temple has been destroyed and is not functional, prayer replaces sacrifice. In fact, the Book of Ezekiel is even more explicit, telling Jews living in exile---and therefore without any access to the Temple, even if it were standing---that repentance and good works are all God requires 136(16) The Book of Jonah shoots down all your arguments about sacrifice and atonement, especially with reference to Gentiles. When Jonah Preached, the people repented, and God forgave them---no sacrifice, no blood offering 152(1) Even if I admit that we need blood atonement, I still won't believe in Jesus. God wanted the blood of a goat or a lamb, not a person. he doesn't want human sacrifice! 153(14) I can't believe the death of jesus paid for my sins because the Torah teaches that for blood to be effectual, it had to be poured on the altar in a specific way. This obviously does not refer to Jesus 167(2) If the death of Jesus was the fulfillment of the sacrificial system, why do the prophets anticipate sacrifices when the Third Temple is built? 169(17) The Christian concept of salvation is contrary to the Hebrew Bible and Jewish tradition. Jews don't need saving 186(9) Jewish people don't need a middleman 195(3) Jews don't believe in original sin or a fall of man. We do not believe the human race is totally sinful 198(10) Jews don't need to repent 208(2) Jews don't believe in a divine Messiah 210(10) Jews don't believe in a suffering Messiah 220(12) Jews don't believe the Messiah will come twice 232(3) Judaism is a healthy religion. Jews don' see the world as intrinsically evil or denounce marriage or call for self-renunciation. Christians, on the other hand, see the world as evil, advocate celibacy, and say, ''Deny yourself, take up your cross, and suffer.'' 235(13) Christianity calls on its followers to exhibit unnatural emotions and feelings such as love for their enemies. This is contrary to the Torah as well as human nature 248(4) The only thing that keeps many people in the Christian faith---including Jews---is a fear of hell 252(4) I find much beauty in the teachings of Jesus, and I think there are some good arguments in favor of Christianity. But I find it impossible to believe it a religion that condemns all people to hell---including many moral, good, kind, and sensitive people, not to mention countless millions of religious Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists---simply because they don't believe in Jesus. I can't follow a religion whose God tortures people in flames forever for not believing in someone they never even heard of 256(9) Notes 265(51) Glossary 316(3) Subject Index 319(4) Index of Scripture and other Ancient Writings 323
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Brown, Michael L.
Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus – Theological Objections
Baker Publishing Group
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222 x 152 x 25 mm
Paperback / softback

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