A Nation of Wusses

How America's Leaders Lost the Guts to Make Us Great


"Governor Ed Rendell explains why America's leaders rarely call for sacrifice for the greater good-to avoid making any sacrifices themselves!Rendell has seen job security become the primary consideration of any person with power in America-their own job security! Most politicians and bureaucrats can see no further ahead than the next election, sometimes no further than the next press conference. Americans are rarely afraid of sacrifice and hard work when they mean building a better future, but when was the last time you heard of a leader of anything making a sacrifice for the greater good? The people can only win when they make it clear to the powers that be that making the right choices, even the hard ones, is the key to winning the next election. Explains in rollicking stories ranging from the profane to the profound that most hard choices are only "hard" because the polls conflict with your principles Ed Rendell rose to the top of Philadelphia, then Pennsylvania, then national politics, by doing whathe thought was right, and there were plenty of times that looked like it would be his downfall as well This book revisits the high points of Ed Rendell's career and current landscape to define the political fights his peers seem just as afraid of winningas losing Rendell is a former head of the Democratic National Committee, and a current MSNBC Senior Political Analyst "- Governor Ed Rendell explains why America's leaders rarely call for sacrifice for the greater good-to avoid making any sacrifices themselves! Rendell has seen job security become the primary consideration of any person with power in America-their own job security! Most politicians and bureaucrats can see no further ahead than the next election, sometimes no further than the next press conference. Americans are rarely afraid of sacrifice and hard work when they mean building a better future, but when was the last time you heard of a leader of anything making a sacrifice for the greater good? The people can only win when they make it clear to the powers that be that making the right choices, even the hard ones, is the key to winning the next election.Explains in rollicking stories ranging from the profane to the profound that most hard choices are only "hard" because the polls conflict with your principles Ed Rendell rose to the top of Philadelphia, then Pennsylvania, then national politics, by doing what he thought was right, and there were plenty of times that looked like it would be his downfall as well This book revisits the high points of Ed Rendell's career and current landscape to define the political fights his peers seem just as afraid of winning as losing Rendell is a former head of the Democratic National Committee, a current MSNBC Senior Political Analyst, and a Partner at Ballard Spahr LLP Introduction1. The Wussification of America2. We're Mad as Hell and We're not Going to Take it Anymore3. "I Wear Blue, Take Me Too"4. Only a Smart Jewish Lawyer Can Turn This Around5. The Truth about Waste, Fraud, and Abuse6. Fast Eddie, We Are Ready7. What's a Nice Jewish Boy Doing Holding Hands with Louis Farrakhan8. We Don't Cover Plane Landings9. The Harper Valley P.T. A.10. Animals I have Known11. How to Get Uninvited to a Christmas Party You Were Never Invited to12. How My Love Affair with Philadelphia Made Me Governor13. Lobbyists Rule - No Money for School14. Behold the Turtle15. How Two Young Non-Wuss Pittsburgh Women Stared Down the Haitian and US Governments16. Sports and Politics17. Like a Sturgeon18. Hillary, Hillary19. Change We Can Believe In20. Know When to 'Fold 'Em21. Please, Please Don't Honor Me22. Build Baby Build: Infrastructure, the Least Sexy Word in the English Language23. Stand and Defend: There Are Some Things Worth Losing For24. Charge of the Wuss Brigade25. Does the Government Create Job?26. Is Honesty the Best Policy?27. Top Ten Reasons Most American Politicians Are WussesConclusionAcknowledgments
€ 31,10
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Rendell, Ed
A Nation of Wusses
Turner Publishing Company
464 gr
242 x 164 x 24 mm

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